Best Hair Ties for Working Out

Leaving the gym used to be a mad dash to my car so that no one could see how crazy my hair looked post-workout. I would finish my routine, book it to the locker rooms, and sprint out the door before anyone could stop me to chat. Until I discovered PRO Hair Ties, I started out my gym time with a cute high ponytail only to end up with a very unflattering low ponytail, knotted in every way possible. Taking my old hair ties out also meant tearing out a good chunk of my hair. I didn’t realize until I tried PRO Hair Ties that there was even a solution to my problems. One day I was leaving for the gym from my sister’s house when I realized I didn’t have a hair tie. When I asked to borrow one, my sister handed me a PRO Hair Tie in my favorite color purple, explaining how they never rip, tug, or tangle and showing me how to unclasp them. I was instantly amazed and went to work out. When I was done, the impossible had been accomplished. My ponytail was still on the top of my head and in control. When I unclasped the hair tie, my hair fell back into its normal place. I didn’t run out of the gym that day, I took my time and stopped to say goodbye to the receptionist. Now I tell all of my friends that PRO Hair Ties are absolutely the best hair ties for working out. Since then, I’ve started a whole collection of PRO ties. My favorite pack yet is the Glow Pack because I love seeing them light up in the dark!

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